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Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Skeptical. I wrote a compiler from scratch which does this. The biggest problem is not in the execution but in the memory bandwidth that becomes costly.

Automatic parallel computing is to me a pipe dream.

The concept also appears to downplay the importance of software architecture. You must design your program around this. The compiler can’t help you if you express your programs in a serial fashion, which is the fundamental problem that makes parallel computing hard.

I don’t mean to be a downer. By all means, give it a shot. I’m just not seeing the special ingredient that makes this attempt successful where many others like it have failed.

This one class I took in college presented a problem with a custom puzzle that involved closing loops on points laid out in a checkerboard pattern. If you implemented your solution using Lisp, you got a letter grade bonus, where otherwise the only criterion for your score was the performance of your solution.

I’m reminded of this problem I faced years ago because having a compact representation that is useful was key to extracting maximum performance.

Ultimately, I hand coded in x86 SIMD instructions to solve many instances of the problem in parallel, packing about eight problem instances into one register. It was the highest performing solution in the class and it both angered and disappointed the professor.

A useful, compact representation is key to efficiently solving many problems.