
I have scores hidden and block at the first sign of asshattery, say what you gotta say in the first.

“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Nov 13, 2019

vague posting for profit and fun
im really tempted to quit my job and make this thing that has no potential for income. 50% of it is dissatisfaction with my day job. It pays the bills but i spend all of my time cleaning up after devs that are long gone. 50% is i want this project idea to exist. honestly i just want to make things. i dont remember the last time i just made a thing.

All this argument does is bump up ASM to a low-level language.

I get the resistance in calling C low level but we aren’t about to mistake C runtimes for a JIT.

LLVM certainly makes the comparison easier.

This thread says you don’t.

Links to Xitter are broken.

#define RANT // Testing winapi IPv6 network code
ok, venting time. VMware workstation has 3 network types and of them only NAT supports ipv6. VMware 17 can only have one NAT network at a time. the one ipv6 address that doesn’t randomly drop is the link local address. but certain traffic like http doesn’t transmit over that network. but I might have found a janky workaround. if I change the subnet range in the virtual network editor it refreshes all of the IPs through DHCP. #endif //RANT